Ayurveda is an ancient discipline, its history dates back to 5000 years.It can be said that Ayurveda - in written form - is first found in Vedas. The four Vedas (Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Adharvaveda) are the world's oldest literary documents and ‘Ayurveda’ is considered the 'upaveda' or accessory Veda to the Atharva Veda. It is the oldest healthcare system in the world and it combines the profound thoughts of medicine and philosophy. It aims to help us lead a life where Mind, Body and Spirit stay in a State of Balance, with each other and with the Environment.
There are three major treatises (BrihatTrayi: - CharakaSamhita, SusrutaSamhita, AshtangaSamgraha) and three minor treatises (LaghuTrayi: - Bhava Prakash, MadhavaNidhana and SharangdharaSamhita) which are considered most authentic and standard references for Ayurveda.
The word “Ayurveda” is a Sanskrit term derived from two words “ayu”-life and “veda”-knowldege or science.Thus Ayurveda means knowledge of life or the science of life. According to ancient Ayurvedic scholar Charaka, “Ayu” comprises of the mind, body and soul.
This holistic healing system therefore does not work on the symptoms of a disease. It goes to root causes- trying to understand why an individual has lost physical, mental or emotional balance.
This is why in Ayurveda each person needs a different line of treatment. The cause of each person’s imbalance is unique. So, necessarily, the Ayurvedic intervention too is unique to each individual.
Universe is made up of five elements (Panchamahabhutas) i.e air, fire, water, earth and space. These elements are represented in humans by three doshas or energies Vata, Pitta and Kapha. When any of the doshas accumulate in the body beyond the desirable limit, the body loses its balance. Every individual has a distinct balance. Our health and wellbeing depend on getting a right balance of three doshas. Ayurveda suggests specific lifestyle and nutritional guidelines to help individuals to maintain balance between the doshas.
"Swasthasyaswasthyasamrakshanam Athurasyavikaraprsamanam"
Ayurveda system focuses on Curing of illness as well as prevention and promotion of health in healthy individual.
Aim of Ayurveda is,
- to preserve the health
- to promote the health of the healthy persons, and
- to cure the disease of the patient.
It to fulfil these aims through Ashtangas (eight branches)
- Kayachikitsa - General Medicine
- KaumaraBhritya - Paediatrics
- ShalyaTantra - Surgery
- ShalakhyaTantra - ENT and Ophthalmology
- AgadaTantra - Toxicology
- BhutaVidhya - Psychiatry
- Rasayana - Geriatrics
- Vajikarana - Aphrodisiacs
Whatever is planned for prevention or elimination of disease may be known as Chikitsa. Taking the different yukthi or yojana (planning) in to consideration, the physician plans two types of treatments depending upon the condition of the patients. These are,
- ShodhanaChikitsa
- ShamanaChikitsa
Shamana is the method of treating the disease without eliminating dhosha out of the body, whereas Shodhana is the method of eliminating vitiated dosha out of the body. Both Shodhana and Shaman can be achieved by the fivefold therapy in Ayurveda called Panchakarma. These five procedures are Vamana, Virechana, Vasthy, Shirovirechana (Nasya), Rakthamokshana.
Vamana (Emesis)–This is the procedure of eliminating dosha from the upper orifice of the alimentary canal (mouth).
Virechana (Purgation) – In this procedure the vitiated doshas are eliminated through the lower orifice of the alimentary canal (Anus).
Vasthy (Enema) – This is the treatment in which medicated oils are given through anal canal.
Nasyam (Errhines) – This is the treatment in which medicines are administrated through the nasal orifice.
Raktamokshanam (Blood Letting) – This is the method of letting out the impure blood from body.
Before undertaking the Panchakarma process some treatment is to be given which is called Poorvakarma. It consists of,
- Snehana (Oleation)
- Swedana (Sweating)
Snehana involves massaging herbal oils into the skin to help eliminate toxins. Blended oils treat specific disorders such as stress, anxiety, insomnia, arthritis, or circulation problems. Oil can also be massaged into the scalp for depression, insomnia and memory problems. Intake of plain or medicated oil through mouth in an increasing dose is called Snehapana.
Swedana is the process of inducing sweat with the help of steam generated from medicated herbal decoctions. It helps to increase the circulation, reduces inflammation, stiffness, heaviness, osteoarthritis, low back ache and sciatica.
It’s determined at the time of conception, unique blend of qualities that makes each of us, from the point of conception, completely unique.
Discovering prakrti – understanding the qualities of one’s uniqueness.
To understand prakrti – Ayurvedic view of body
Individuals take form as a result of 3 life giving forces – ie, Dosha, Vata, Pitta, Kapha and there combination makes totally prakrti 7 types.
- Vata type
- Pitta- type
- Kapha-type
- Vata-Pitta type
- Vata-Kapha type
- Pitta-Kapha type
- Vata-Pitta-Kapha type
Dry, cold, light, irregular, mobile, rough, quick
Oily, hot, light, intense, fluid, acidic , liquid, sharp
Oily, cold, heavy, stable, viscous, dense, smooth, dull
- Thin, light bone build, dry hair, skin, nails
- Thinks, speaks, moves quickly
- Enthusiastic, imaginative, sensitive, not very practical
- Catches on quickly, forgets easily
- Prone to worry and mood swings, hates cold, loves the sun, tired easily
- hungry anytime
- loves to travel and change
- likes sweet, sour, salt taste
- spend money easily
- Medium, athletic build
- Grey hair, fair or freckled in complexion
- Penetrating eyes, direct in speech
- Confident, courageous, aggressive
- Intelligent, insightful, ambitious
- Leadership,organiser
- Great planner, self-disciplined
- Tendency to anger easily
- Tired by excessive heat
- Enjoys physical and mental challenges
- Hates to miss a meal, especially lunch
- Likes spicy, oily food
- Spend on luxuries
- Square, powerful build
- Exotic, heavy features, lustrous hair
- Graceful, relaxed
- Tolerant, compassionate, loyal , calm
- Excellent memory
- Can be dull, boring, and greedy or over by possessive
- Likes to sleep a lot
- Hates uncomfortable surroundings
- Reliable worker
- Likes sweet , sticky, creamy treats